Category: Pep Talks

Hold On

We live in a culture filled with positive affirmations and can-do sentiments. (One could even argue these pep talks fall somewhere within that spectrum, but don’t hold that against me.) Social media is a perpetual collage of encouragement to keep your head up, to keep going, or (for the times...

You Have Two Choices

It is harder to be positive. Even in “normal” situations, a negative thought is four to seven times more powerful than a positive one – and saying it out loud makes it ten times more powerful than that. So one bad thought can be up to seventy times more powerful than...

Patience Is Not About Waiting

“Patience is not the ability to wait, but the ability to keep a good attitude while waiting.” Joyce Meyer I’ll be honest – I have no idea who Joyce Meyer is, but this quote popped up somewhere a few weeks ago and it hit home. It hit hard, y’all. Anyone can...

Life is always a special occasion

I said something at the end of last week’s pep talk about life always being a special occasion, and I nearly went off on a whole new tangent right then and there. I like the idea of taking each moment of life as something worth making the most of, because...

This Is Life

Alright, I’ve got some basic common sense coming at you today. I say common sense, but though this is all gonna sound obvious, it’s something we all seem to have a massive issue with remembering and accepting (that’s right, I’m calling you out). We’ve had a few pep talk weeks...

The Kickass Mindset

I’m not known for my ability to make decisions quickly. Those that know me might even argue I’m well-know for my lack of making decisions quickly. But you know what? I can make decisions. I know what I want. It’s when I start overthinking or believing there’s a perfect answer...

Stop looking up

Stop looking up. On the face of it, this could seem like really terrible and negative advice. What kind of pep talk tells you to look down at your feet? But that’s not what I mean. Dream big and aim high, definitely. But don’t stare at the end destination when...

Have Faith (Good Things Are Coming)

Listen up: everything is going to work out. Good things are coming. Life is going to go your way. Everything you’ve been working on will pay off. Stop thinking “Yeah, but, you don’t know that–“ or “how can anyone predict that?” and just believe me. Because I’m telling you: all...

You Are Everything

That stupid giant voice inside your head that makes you doubt yourself or feel insecure in anyway, about anything? Tell it to go and fork itself. Somewhere far away outside your head. We’ve somehow come to exist in a world where we can compare ourselves to half the Earth’s population...