The Kickass Mindset

I’m not known for my ability to make decisions quickly. Those that know me might even argue I’m well-know for my lack of making decisions quickly. But you know what? I can make decisions. I know what I want. It’s when I start overthinking or believing there’s a perfect answer...

Stop looking up

Stop looking up. On the face of it, this could seem like really terrible and negative advice. What kind of pep talk tells you to look down at your feet? But that’s not what I mean. Dream big and aim high, definitely. But don’t stare at the end destination when...

Have Faith (Good Things Are Coming)

Listen up: everything is going to work out. Good things are coming. Life is going to go your way. Everything you’ve been working on will pay off. Stop thinking “Yeah, but, you don’t know that–“ or “how can anyone predict that?” and just believe me. Because I’m telling you: all...

You Are Everything

That stupid giant voice inside your head that makes you doubt yourself or feel insecure in anyway, about anything? Tell it to go and fork itself. Somewhere far away outside your head. We’ve somehow come to exist in a world where we can compare ourselves to half the Earth’s population...

There’s Never A Perfect Time

This week’s pep talk somewhat follows on from last week’s (Don’t Wait Until You’re 90 – in which I yelled at people about not being bats, so go give that a read if that sounds like something you’d be into). It’s something you’ve probably heard a zillion times before, but it...

Don’t Wait Until You’re 90

I was about to say “close your eyes”, but then I realised you wouldn’t be able to read the rest of the instructions… Okay, keep your eyes open, but let your inner mind drift as you read this. Imagine you wake up tomorrow and you’re 90 years old. Or 80....

Level up

I’m a planner. This may not come as a surprise to some, but there you go. I might not always like it, but I can’t seem to stop myself from wanting everything always figured out – and ready – beforehand. But someone I know used the phrase “levelling up” the...

Get out of your own head

No one is ever going to think about you more than you. Let’s elaborate: no one is going to think about something you do more than you will. No one is going to analyse something you do as much as you, no one is going to see as many problems...

Today will soon be tomorrow

Life is short. My brother recently reminded me of this, and no truer words have ever been spoken. And I’m immediately going to contradict myself a little here, because I’m not sure life is necessarily short (it is what it is) – but we should be milking as much as...

My “nightmare perspective” theory

Have you ever experienced a time when you received really terrible – really horrific – news, and your stomach dropped and your body filled with this despairing darkness, and it felt like the world was never going to be happy again? But then you’d wake up and realise it was just a...