Tag: perspective

I miss booktube now I'm all grown up

I Miss BookTube Now I’m All Grown Up

I spent my teenage years well entrenched in the culture of BookTube (don’t come at me for how young that might make me sound). If you’re unfamiliar with it, BookTube is a community on YouTube exclusively about books. People discuss books they’ve read, books they want to read, books that...

The Power of WuWei – July Round Up

Have you ever heard of the early Daoism term WuWei?  Recently, I’ve been leaning into the idea of giving my brain space to think. Of experiencing life, rather than rushing through it, to see what it can show me. Normally, I’m trying to go a million miles an hour, fitting...

Be Kind

I’m not getting mushy on you. In fact, I’m going to be quite aggressive about it. Be damn kind!! There is only one beneficial thing in this entire world that absolutely everyone has the ability to do, which actually helps others and makes the world a better place, and that’s...

Life is always a special occasion

I said something at the end of last week’s pep talk about life always being a special occasion, and I nearly went off on a whole new tangent right then and there. I like the idea of taking each moment of life as something worth making the most of, because...