Tag: positivity

The Power of WuWei – July Round Up

Have you ever heard of the early Daoism term WuWei?  Recently, I’ve been leaning into the idea of giving my brain space to think. Of experiencing life, rather than rushing through it, to see what it can show me. Normally, I’m trying to go a million miles an hour, fitting...

Five Ways To Be More Positive

1. Question your negative thoughts. You hear “just think positive” a lot. “Turn your negative thoughts into positive ones.” But that’s just a mask, and eventually it wears off – you’re not actually thinking positive thoughts, you’re forcing a positive ideal over your real feelings. Instead, when you catch yourself having...

Enjoy Yourself

It’s Christmas week! That probably means you’re immensely busy, so I will keep this one short and sweet. That’s also what I want to talk about though. The holidays are such an easy time to get stressed out and overwhelmed, and that is the complete opposite point of them. This...

The Glass Half Full Challenge

I’m going to keep this one short and sweet today (alright, I know, I can hear you laughing). I don’t want to write an entire pep talk about the virtues of looking on the bright side (even though, okay, that is a totally valid topic). (Maybe another day.) But I...

You Have Two Choices

It is harder to be positive. Even in “normal” situations, a negative thought is four to seven times more powerful than a positive one – and saying it out loud makes it ten times more powerful than that. So one bad thought can be up to seventy times more powerful than...

Today will soon be tomorrow

Life is short. My brother recently reminded me of this, and no truer words have ever been spoken. And I’m immediately going to contradict myself a little here, because I’m not sure life is necessarily short (it is what it is) – but we should be milking as much as...